Friday, June 20, 2008

3 Million Artificial Turf Fields Referendum?

Should the Town Council's 3 million+/- expenditure for Artificial Turf Fields go to a referendum vote of all South Windsor residents?

Lets here what you think!


DM said...

Sure it should go to referendum. Why not. Better for the towns people to send it down in flames than for them to try to sneak it into some other spending package.

South Windsor First said...


I couldn't agree more. This is clearly an end around attempt by certain Town Council members to bind the Town to a large multi- million dollar, multi-year obligation and bypass approval by the residents of South Windsor. It is amazing how such a small special interest group can manipulate, (with majority party sponsorship), town government into such Luxury expenditure. This buy now and pay later mentality, may not affect this year’s tax bill but will for many years to come. Should all residents pay for the wants of a few? Let all the people of South Windsor decide.

A few facts: There is no design, has been no request for proposals, no actual cost proposals presented to the town. These proposed fields will have to go through approval process of the Inland Wetland Agency and Planning and Zoning to access their impact on near by wetlands and waterways. I am appalled by Town Council propionates that have tried to push this through with so many open ended unanswered questions and uncertainties.

This clearly looks much like the poorly conceived and mismanaged plan to lease/purchase the post office property.

More facts: Sign a lease/purchase agreement with 5 months Rent Free to come up with a plan and begin constructing usable space. No plan, No construction, No funding for purchase, No funding for 1.2 million estimated renovations, one year wasted and South Windsor Taxpayers out $100,000.00 dollars for empty unusable space, $100,000.00 of your taxes wasted! South Windsor government has grossly mismanaged this project. I would think (responsible?) leaders would stop one run away train before pushing another ill conceived plan that, with out doubt, keeps the run away spending train rolling.

How disingenuous of a Councillor to state it will only cost him $50.00 and he willingly pay such pittance. The overall budget increase is near 4.5%. This I’m sure is little consolation to many condo owners in town, their taxes are going up as much as 45%. Yes, he said 45%.
Be prepared! Tax bills arrive soon.

We need more people like you to speak out and raise awareness of as many residents as possible; they need to be told the facts. Far too many residents don’t know what is being done in back rooms with in our town government and this is an attempt to bring light to all the dirty dealings that have and are happening outside the view of the public.

My hope was to build public interest in what is happening with in South Windsor and not have it be driven by the political machine of either party. This is only the first of many topics I wish to bring to this page to build peoples awareness so that they can make educated decisions and not act on the gimmicks and promises of another election cycle.

Tell friends and neighbors that there is now a place for all people of South Windsor to be heard. Your opinion matters, be heard!

South Windsor First