Tuesday, July 15, 2008

End of a Dictatorship or will it persist?

For those who are following the Palmer Ma. Town Manager saga, here is the latest news.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

PALMER - In a close vote, the Town Council Monday night picked Matthew S. Streeter as the next town manager, pending successful contract negotiations, but not before debating charter requirements for the position and the merits of each finalist.

Streeter, 39, of South Windsor, Conn., won out over Richard T. Kwiatkowski, Orange's town administrator, by a 5-4 vote.

The biggest questions is will this end the dictatorship style of government by South Windsors, republican party? Is Deputy Mayor Prague up to the task of presiding over council meetings in an orderly and professional manner? Will Prague grow the much needed spine to stand on this own or will he continue to be under the control of RTC Chairman Bazzano. Even scarier is Councillor/RTC chairman Bazzano will become Deputy Mayor as if his ego could grow any larger. This Clearly a conflict of interest in most people's minds and subject for a future post.

Bottom line is, will Mayor Prague be his own man and show he really will work in the best interest of all South Windsor residents or will he take the easy road and just work for the one's that follow along with the RTC play book?

If there was ever a time for residents to start attending council meetings it is now! If you want to see change in how our town Government moves forward people need to speak up now.

Speak Out and Be Heard!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Share Tim's Outrage, Speak out and be Heard

Interesting development in recent SW history, Tim Shepard cries foul and Backs up his belief dipping into his own pocket buying a full page add in the Journal Inquirer to point out the continued mismanagement of South Windsor's Future by seated Elected Officials. Town Council members finally show signs of life making a decision to stumble forward on one of only two options presented on the stalled 2 1/2 year old Fire House referendum. Alas the Egocentric Town Council "recognizes the urgency, Big Cy, Or not, Makes great talking point next election season*, to move on this issue in an attempt to soften the blow of the huge cost overruns expected due to the delays of the Sedge riddled property first purchased for the project.

As this unfolds watch who circles around when the bargain basement sedge riddled parcel is put up for sale. Outlined in public discussion the Open space task force explained the shortcomings of having passive public recreation surrounded by Commercially zoned property as well as other reasons why when reviewing the 765 Sullivan Avenue property they decided it would not be a wise expenditure of Open Space funds. Planning and Zoning Officials agreed with Open Space and did not endorse The Town Councils referral.

Your Voice can be as loud as Tim's, have a say in South Windsor's future, Show up to Meetings, Ask questions and demand accountability from your Elected Officials. Your Elected Officials, as members and Leaders of partisan political parties Expect No one to Show up so they ride the edge unchecked bending and breaking the rules until someone speaks up and draws attention to it.

Speak Out and Be Heard

All Comments welcome.

* For those bored with ultimate fighting tune into the new blood sport, South Windsor Municipal Elections